Lawsuit Claims & Subpoenas

The investigation or settlement of personal injury or property damage claims against the University should not be undertaken by a department, college or other unit.


If you become aware of a claim or if someone presents a claim against the University, the claim should be referred to the Claims Management Office for that campus. The Claims Management Office will review the claim and handle as appropriate. Other claims should be referred to the Office of University Counsel. Under no circumstances should a department, college or other unit on any campus pay money to settle a claim without the express approval of their campus Claims Management Office or the Office of University Counsel. The Urbana Campus has a Campus Administrative Manual that provides further information specific to Urbana.

If you receive legal documents, such as a subpoena or a summons, which are related to University business, contact your campus Office of University Counsel as soon as possible because there are usually deadlines associated with these documents that have legal consequences. The Office of University Counsel provides legal representation for the University and, generally, employees when they are conducting University business in accordance with the Self Insurance Plan and other applicable laws, regulations, and policies. All legal documents should be reviewed by a University lawyer before any response is made. Similarly, if you are contacted by an outside attorney regarding matters of University business, you should refer him/her to the University's lawyers, and you should not talk to him/her directly. The University lawyer will know what laws and regulations apply and can advise you on how to respond to the outside attorney or may handle all the contacts with the outside attorney from the University Counsel's office.

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